NFC: HCE vs SE: is there a place for cohabitation?

Within the last couple of months, we have been surrounded by many announcements and press releases that definitely open the NFC ecosystem , and emphasis the question about: is NFC going to finally takeoff or to be smothered by this complexity? Let’s make a brief recap about what is going on: November 2013: Google announced…

Mobile payment solutions: what’s your money on?

With consumers soon having a range of different mobile payment methods at their disposal, some may be unsure which solution suits them best. Paypal, Payzen, iZettle, Google Wallet, Square, PayWave, PayPass, ISIS and a host of others have all hit the market in recent years, giving consumers a great deal of choice when it comes to picking…

What’s the situation for NFC expansion

A short Focus on Mobile Payment security… In my last article: « Why is NFC still not used in our daily life », I highlighted 4 points (Security, Usage & Waving, Apple & NFC and lastly finding an Agreement between NFC Actors) points which I believe represent key elements for the expansion of NFC in our daily…

Why is NFC still not used in our daily life?

In my last article : NFC: Vers un monde sans contact mobile (NFC: to a mobile contactless world), I explained  how interesting was NFC for end-users and for service providers in terms of added values, economies of scale, customers loyalty, shopping experience, and so on… For finally concluding that NFC is the future of mobile…

NFC: vers un monde sans contact mobile

Dans le cadre de mon mémoire de fin d’études, j’ai décidé de choisir le thème du mobile marketing autour de la problématique suivante : Comment intégrer la NFC dans une stratégie de mobile marketing. Le mobile, un média de poids et un enjeu marketing pour la marque. Aujourd’hui, le marketing est en plein évolution grâce à…